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Get Ahead with a Level 7 Diploma in Business Management

In today’s competitive world of work managers can often be required to have both the right work experience and qualifications to progress their career into senior management and leadership.

In today’s competitive world of work, managers can often be required to have both the right work experience and qualifications to progress their career into senior management and leadership.

For many professionals with the right experience but no formal degree, this can prove to be a serious stumbling block.


Increasingly, working professionals have been turning to NCC Education for postgraduate study. With no requirement for a first degree or A-levels, applicants with 5+ years’ managerial level experience or similar can join the Level 7 Diploma in Business Management through the ‘Work Experience’ entry route.


Who are NCC Education?


NCC Education are a UK awarding organisation and global provider of education.


What is a Level 7 Diploma in Business Management?


NCC Education’s Level 7 Diploma in Business Management is an Ofqual-regulated 120-credit postgraduate diploma.


Is a Level 7 Diploma the same as a Master’s degree?


A Level 7 Diploma is a 120-credit postgraduate qualification but is not a Master’s degree. After completing the Level 7 Diploma in Business Management, students may gain a full Master’s in Business Administration award by completing a 60-credit MBA top-up with one of our university partners.


Why choose a Level 7 Diploma over a Master’s?


For many students completing a Level 7 Diploma will be enough to reach their education and career goals. Others may wish to follow it with an MBA top-up to gain their Master’s in Business Administration.


NCC Education’s 120-credit Level 7 Diploma in Business Management is a flexible and affordable way of gaining a qualification at postgraduate level. It also provides good value for money for those wishing to follow it with a 60-credit MBA top-up when compared with the fees typical of a straight up 180-credit MBA programme.


Where will I study?


Options for face-to-face classroom learning or 100% online self-study are available.


What will I study?


Students will select any six (6) of the below 20-credit units:


  • Corporate Finance and Decision Making
  • Digital Marketing and Communications
  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • Leadership, People and Change
  • Information Systems and Knowledge Management
  • International Marketing Strategy
  • Project Management
  • Strategic Management


Who is this course for?


Students come from a range of backgrounds. Students entering via the ‘Work Experience’ entry route include professionals from sectors including accountancy, banking, consumer products, creative media, education and training, information technology, internet services, local government, manufacturing, oil and gas, pharmaceuticals, property, recruitment, renewable energy, and telecommunications.


We also offer an ‘Academic’ entry route to graduates who don’t have the required managerial work experience but have an Honours degree in a Business-related field, and a ‘Combined’ entry route to graduates with an Honours degree in a different subject area and 3+ years’ managerial-level experience or similar.



How can I find out more?


To find out more visit: https://www.nccedu.com/qualifications/post-graduate-level/ncc-education-level-7-diploma-in-business-management-l7dbm/


You can also contact us at [email protected]