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Computing Qualifications

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Level 3 Diploma in Computing (L3DC)

The NCC Education Level 3 Diploma in Computing (L3DC) is an Ofqual-regulated qualfication. It is a general qualification that introduces the field of computing and equips students to show key transferable study skills, mathematical competency, and an understanding of the essential concepts of IT and practical computing skills. 

Level 4 Diploma in Computing (L4DC)

The NCC Education Level 4 Diploma in Computing (L4DC) is an Ofqual regulated qualification. The qualification makes up the first year of a Computing/ IT degree pathway. The qualification is equivalent to the first year of an IT degree in the UK university system.

Level 4 Diploma in Computing (with Business Management) (L4DC BM)

The Level 4 Diploma in Computing (with Business Management) (L4DC BM)) (previously the Level 4 Diploma in Business Information Technology (L4DBIT)) makes up the first year of the NCC Education degree journey. The qualification is equivalent to the first year of an IT degree in the UK university system.

Level 5 Diploma in Computing (L5DC)

The NCC Education Level 5 Diploma in Computing (L5DC) is an Ofqual regulated qualification. The qualification (with specialisms) makes up the second year of the NCC Education degree journey and builds upon the knowledge gained during the NCC Education Level 4 Diploma in Computing (L4DC) or the NCC Education Level 4 Diploma in Computing with Business Management (L4DC BM), exposing students to greater detail and more advanced topics in a range of areas including database development, information systems analysis, network security and cryptography.

Level 5 Diploma in Computing (with Business Management) (L5DC BM)

The Level 5 Diploma in Computing (with Business Management) (L5DC BM) (previously the Level 5 Diploma in Business IT (L5DBIT)) makes up the second year of the NCC Education degree journey and builds upon the knowledge gained during the NCC Education Level 4 Diploma in Business Information Technology (L4DBIT).

Level 5 Diploma in Computing (with Cyber Security) (L5DC CS)

The Level 5 Diploma in Computing (with Cyber Security (L5DC CS) (previously Level 5 Diploma in Cyber Security (L5DCS)) makes up the second year of the NCC Education degree journey. This builds upon the knowledge gained during the Level 4 Diploma in Computing (L4DC).

Level 5 Diploma in Computing (with Data Science) (L5DC DS)

The NCC Education Level 5 Diploma in Computing (with Data Science) (L5DC DS) is an Ofqual regulated qualification. NCC Education Level 5 Diploma in Computing (with Data Science) (L5DC DS) makes up the second year of the NCC Education degree journey. This builds upon the knowledge gained during the Level 4 Diploma in Computing (L4DC).