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At DK Training Consultancy Ltd, we specialise in developing the employees in their respective fields. With extensive experience in providing tailored training courses, we ensure that our programmes align with the organisation’s specific objectives and service standards.

DK Training Consultancy Ltd is an MQA-approved training centre based in Goodlands, northern Mauritius. Our highly qualified trainers deliver personalised courses, with training costs refundable by HRDC.

Since our establishment in November 2020, we have trained over 500 participants across various industries.

Qualifications offered

Level 3 Diploma in Business (L3DB)

New Level 3 Business Qualification Suite coming March 2025

The NCC Education Level 3 Diploma in Business (L3DB) is regulated by Qualification Wales (QiW).

It is an Applied General qualification which allows candidates to demonstrate key transferable study skills, mathematical competency and applied cultural understanding, particularly in the context of international business, as well as a grounding in the essential concepts of business and economics.

Level 4 Diploma in Business (L4DB)

The NCC Education Level 4 Diploma in Business (L4DB) is a regulated qualification. It makes up the first year of the NCC Education Business Degree journey. The qualification is equivalent to the first year of a business degree in the UK university system.

Level 5 Diploma in Business (L5DB)

The NCC Education Level 5 Diploma in Business (L5DB) is a regulated qualification. The qualification makes up the second year of the NCC Education degree journey and builds upon the knowledge gained during the NCC Education Level 4 Diploma in Business (L4DB), exposing students to greater detail and more advanced topics in a range of areas including economics, marketing, finance and management.

BSc (Hons) Business Management (Top-Up)

The BSc (Hons) Business Management top-up degree is delivered online by Western International College Online (WINC) and provides progression from NCC Education Level 5 Diploma in Business. This final-year top-up degree is awarded by the University of Bolton.

The programme aims to build upon the Business Management knowledge gained at Level 4 and 5 and enhance students’ professional skills, preparing them for the global business world. It also provides students with the opportunity to develop specialist business expertise across different areas.

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