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National University of Mongolia


National University of Mongolia, Mongolia

Founded in 194, the University of Mongolia is a public university primarily located in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. It is the oldest institution of higher learning in Mongolia, and originally named in honour of Khorloogiin Choibalsan as Choibalsan State University.

University mission: “To become a sustainable university creating and distributing new knowledge in environmental, social, humanitarian and technological fields and contributing the country’s development in extensive level.”

Qualifications offered

Level 3 International Foundation Diploma for Higher Education Studies (L3IFDHES)

The NCC Education Level 3 International Foundation Diploma for Higher Education Studies (L3IFDHES) is an Ofqual regulated qualification. It is a pre-university qualification developed by UK academics to help you progress successfully to undergraduate study. 

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Level 4 Diploma in Business (L4DB)

The NCC Education Level 4 Diploma in Business (L4DB) is a regulated qualification. It makes up the first year of the NCC Education Business Degree journey. The qualification is equivalent to the first year of a business degree in the UK university system.

Level 5 Diploma in Business (L5DB)

The NCC Education Level 5 Diploma in Business (L5DB) is a regulated qualification. The qualification makes up the second year of the NCC Education degree journey and builds upon the knowledge gained during the NCC Education Level 4 Diploma in Business (L4DB), exposing students to greater detail and more advanced topics in a range of areas including economics, marketing, finance and management.

Level 7 Diploma in Business Management (L7DBM)

The NCC Education Level 7 Diploma in Business Management (L7DBM) is an Ofqual regulated qualification that will help you understand and apply up to date management theory and practice in the fields of marketing, information strategy, project management, finance, leadership and entrepreneurship.

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