Information for candidates – Privacy Notice
NCC Education Qualifications
This statement explains how NCC Education uses your personal information. By registering for an NCC Education qualification, you agree to your personal data being processed by NCC Education in accordance with this Privacy Notice.
NCC Education will process your personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations ((EU) 2016/679) and any national implementing laws, regulations, secondary legislation and associated codes of practice. and the Conditions of Recognition issued by the qualification regulators of England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
NCC Education will undertake the following administrative activities in relation to the processing and exchange of candidates’ personal data:
- Personal data relating to the name(s), date of birth, gender, unique candidate identifier (UCI) and unique learner number (ULN) of an individual candidate will always be collected by NCC Education for the purposes of examining and awarding qualifications. In some cases additional information will also be collected to support requests for access arrangements and reasonable adjustments and/or special consideration. Such personal data will be supplemented by the results of examinations and assessments undertaken by the respective candidate.
- Once NCC Education has received your information, NCC Education will use strict procedures and security features to prevent unauthorised access. NCC Education will store candidates’ personal data on NCC Education’s secure servers, but such data may also be kept securely in paper format.
- A candidate’s personal data will only be collected from registered NCC Education examination centres in the context of examination registrations and/or certification claims.
- Such data collected will not be used by NCC Education other than for the administration of the examinations process, conducting assessments and the certification of results claims.
- Personal data within candidates’ work will be collected and processed by NCC Education for the purposes of marking, issuing of examination results and providing candidates with access to post-results services. In order for NCC Education to achieve this, some personal information may be transferred to third parties such as markers and moderators, who may reside outside the European Economic Area.
- NCC Education may be required to provide a candidate’s personal data to educational agencies such as Department for Education, Welsh Government, Regulatory authorities such as Ofqual, Universities College Admissions Services, Local Authorities, and Learning Records Service (LRS). Additionally, candidates’ personal data may be provided to a central record of qualifications approved by the UK awarding bodies for statistical and policy development purposes.
- Some of the information candidates supply will be used by the UK Education and Skills Funding Agency to fulfil its statutory functions, issue/verify a candidate’s Unique Learner Number (ULN) and update/check a candidate’s Personal Learning Record. The Education and Skills Funding Agency may share a candidate’s ULN and Personal Learning Record with other education related organisations, such as a careers service, a candidate’s centre, UK Government Departments and public bodies responsible for education. Further details of how information is processed and shared can be found at:
- NCC Education is obliged to disclose the information that they hold about data subjects, (e.g. the candidates) within 30 days of receiving a formal request for disclosure. Candidates should make an application to NCC Education’s Data Protection nominee ([email protected]). Where requested, NCC Education will provide you with a readable copy of the personal information which NCC Education holds about you but, for confidentiality purposes, NCC Education will require proof of identity before supplying you with this information.
- If you have not reached the age of 16, you may first wish to discuss this Privacy Notice with your parent or legal guardian.
NCC Education, Centres, Department for Education (DfE), Welsh Government (WG), Department of Education Northern Ireland (DENI), Local Authorities, the Office of the Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual), Ofsted, and Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) are all ‘data controllers’ under the UK Data Protection legislation in that they determine the purpose(s) for which ‘personal data’ (information about living individuals from which they can be identified) is processed and the way in which that processing is undertaken.
It is a requirement for data controllers to provide data subjects (individuals who are the subject of personal data) with details of who they are, the purposes for which they process the personal data, and any other information that is necessary to make the processing of the personal data secure and accurate, including any third parties to whom it may be passed to.
For a general overview of the purposes for which NCC Education processes personal data, please see its entry on the public Register of Data Controllers, available on the Information Commissioner’s website at:
NCC Education will keep your information for as long as is necessary for NCC Education to fulfil the purposes that are described in this policy. The NCC Education Data Retention Statement, ( explains the length of time NCC Education, as the Data Controller, will store a Candidate’s personal data.
For more information about how NCC Education may use information about you, please contact [email protected] or write to Data Protection, NCC Education Ltd, The Towers, Towers Business Park, Wilmslow Road, Didsbury, Manchester M20 2EZ, England.
If you are concerned about how your information is used, please contact NCC Education at FAO Data Protection, NCC Education Ltd, The Towers, Towers Business Park, Wilmslow Road, Didsbury, Manchester M20 2EZ, England. Alternatively you have a right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office.
Registered Office
NCC Education Ltd
The Towers
Towers Business Park
Wilmslow Road
Manchester M20 2EZ
Registration No.2665165. Registered in England and Wales.