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Quality Matters

At NCC Education, quality is at the forefront of our every action.

We have built our reputation as an awarding body and quality education provider through developing stringent quality assurance processes to ensure that our qualifications, Accredited Partner Centres and services are of the same high quality standard throughout the world.


Quality Accredited Partner Centres

Quality matters to us. We only accredit study centres that successfully pass our accreditation process which ensures that our Accredited Partner Centre Network operates with the same quality standards throughout the world.

But we don’t stop there. We conduct annual monitoring with each of our Accredited Partner Centres to ensure that our high quality standards are maintained.


Study Centres

Our Academic Board

All of our quality assurance functions are accountable to our academic board. They are an independently constituted body and sit outside of NCC Education’s management structure. The Academic Board is composed of external professorial-level academics that together ensure consistency across the systems and standards for examinations, marking, moderation and issuing of certificates throughout our worldwide network of Accredited Partner Centres.


Consistent, Quality Qualifications and Assessments

We are proud of our qualification portfolio. When you enrol for an NCC Education qualification, we are confident that you will experience the same high quality education irrespective of your location throughout the world.  We ensure that students studying at any one of our Accredited Partner Centres complete the same assessments which are subsequently marked to the same standards, thus ensuring all NCC education students are assessed and certificated on the same terms of equal standards.


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