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University Partnerships

Study overseas, online or at an international branch campus in-country

Whether you want to complete your studies overseas, online or at an international branch campus in-country, there are plenty of formal university progression options available to you.

We have agreements and recognitions with over 80 universities and institutes in many countries, including the UK, Australia, Canada, Cyprus, Ireland, France, Germany, Japan, New Zealand and the USA. Students are also eligible to apply to several international branch campuses, including campuses in China, Malaysia, Mauritius, Singapore, UAE, Uzbekistan and Vietnam.

NCC Education has a number of agreements and recognitions with universities, enabling students to apply for an undergraduate degree programme in year 1 or with advanced standing/credit exemptions towards years 2 or 3. There are also a range of options for students looking to study at postgraduate level.


UK University Partners

    • NCC Education has been partnering with the University of Greenwich since 2006.
    • We offer the BSc (Hons) in Computing programme face-to-face at Accredited Partner Centres across the globe.
    • The UK university curriculum and teaching framework is taught locally at NCC Education Accredited Partner Centres.
    • Students can complete either the NCC Education Level 4 Diploma in Computing/Business IT and the Level 5 Diploma in Computing/Business IT to progress onto the Level 6 BSc (Hons) Computing Top-up Degree, awarded by the University of Greenwich.
    • For more information contact [email protected] 
    • NCC Education has been partnering with the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) since 2016.
    • We offer the BSc (Hons) Business Computing and Information Systems programme and the BSc (Hons) Cyber Security & Networking programme online through distance learning.
    • The course curriculum and teaching framework is taught 100% through online learning and delivered by UK-based academics.
    • The top-up degrees are delivered online by NCC Education, and validated and awarded by the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan).
    • Students can complete the NCC Education Level 4 Diploma in Computing and the Level 5 Diploma in Computing to progress onto the Level 6 BSc (Hons) Business Computing and Information Systems Top-up Degree, awarded by the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan).
    • Students who complete the NCC Education Level 5 Diploma in Computing (with Cyber Security) can progress onto the Level 6 BSc (Hons) Cyber Security & Networking Top-up Degree, awarded by the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan).
    • Find the nearest Accredited Partner Centre that offers the BSc (Hons) Business Computing and Information Systems Top-up Degree.
    • Student administrative support is provided by the NCC Education Partnerships team.
    • For more information contact [email protected]
    • NCC Education has been partnering with the University of Plymouth since 2017.
    • The Level 7 Diploma in Business Management (L7DBM) is recognised as suitable entry onto the University of Plymouth‘s MBA top-up programme. Allowing students to fast-track their studies to gain a full MBA award.
    • Students that complete 120 credit Level 7 Diploma in Business Management (L7DBM) can fast-track their studies to gain a full MBA from the University of Plymouth in the UK.
    • 120 credits from the Level 7 Diploma (L7DBM) will form part of the 180 credit Master of Business Administration (MBA). This means students will only need to complete a 60-credit dissertation to acquire a full MBA and graduate from the University of Plymouth.
    • We offer the Level 7 Diploma in Business Management (L7DBM)  programme online through distance learning or students can attend face to face classes with Accredited Partner Centres.
    • Find the nearest Accredited Partner Centre that offers the Level 7 Diploma in Business Management (L7DBM).
    • For more information contact [email protected]
    • The Level 7 Diploma in Business Management is recognised as suitable entry onto Cardiff Metropolitan University‘s MBA Top-up programme. Allowing students to fast-track their studies to gain a full MBA award.
    • Students that complete 120 credit Level 7 Diploma in Business Management (L7DBM) can fast-track their studies to gain a full MBA from Cardiff Metropolitan University in the UK.
    • 120 credits from the Level 7 Diploma (L7DBM) will form part of the 180 credit Master of Business Administration (MBA). This means students will only need to complete a 20-credit research methods module and 40-credit dissertation with Cardiff Metropolitan University.
    • We offer the Level 7 Diploma in Business Management (L7DBM)  programme online through distance learning or students can attend face to face classes with Accredited Partner Centres.
    • Find the nearest Accredited Partner Centre that offers the Level 7 Diploma in Business Management (L7DBM).
    • For more information contact [email protected]

If you need further advice on progressing to further study with your NCC Education qualification, you can contact our customer services team in one of the following ways: