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NCC Education extends its reach in Ivory Coast: Newly Accredited Partner Centre IIPEA Abidjan to Offer Level 3 International Foundation Diploma for Higher Education Studies

NCC education is delighted to announce that the Level 3 International Foundation Diploma for Higher Education Studies (L3IFDHES) will now be available at a third newly accredited centre in Abidjan in the Ivory Coast. Institut International Polytechnique des Elites d’Abidjan (IIPEA) will begin offering the L3IFDHES from September 2023. Enquires are currently being accepted.

Mr Ishmael Kone, owner of IIPEA noted, ”Since our main objective is to set up a high quality education system, making this partnership with NCC will confirm our international aspect and achieve our objective of training future leaders through the various training programmes offered by NCC, whose diplomas are recognized worldwide. “

Marcelle Du Rand, Business Development Manager for NCC Education commented, “As Ivory Coast is a predominantly French speaking country, students find English a barrier to accessing international university programmes. By partnering with IIPEA to offer their students a bridging programme with a strong emphasis on English for Academic purposes, our combined organisations are assisting students in their ambitions to first study and then work in a global, mainly English environment.”


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